Tuggerah and West Gosford
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
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Metatarsus Adductus

Metatarsus adductus is a condition characterised by the inward deviation or curvature of the front part of the foot.

Metatarsus Adductus

The metatarsal bones, which connect the toes to the midfoot, appear angled towards the midline of the foot. It is commonly seen in infants and young children.

Blueprint Podiatry can provide assessment and treatment options for metatarsus adductus. Here are four frequently asked questions about metatarsus adductus and how Blueprint Podiatry can help:

What causes metatarsus adductus?

Metatarsus adductus is often present at birth and may result from the positioning of the baby in the womb. It can also be associated with other conditions such as clubfoot or hip dysplasia. In most cases, metatarsus adductus resolves on its own as the child grows and the foot structure gradually aligns.

How can Blueprint Podiatry help with metatarsus adductus?

Blueprint Podiatry can assess the severity of the metatarsus adductus and monitor progression. The podiatrist will perform a thorough evaluation, including a physical examination and possibly imaging tests. Treatment options may include gentle stretching exercises, manual manipulation of the foot, taping or bracing to maintain proper alignment, and monitoring the child's progress over time. In some cases, custom orthotic devices may be recommended to support the foot.

Will my child need surgery for metatarsus adductus?

In most cases, surgery is not necessary for metatarsus adductus. The condition typically improves with non-surgical interventions and conservative management. Blueprint Podiatry focuses on providing non-invasive treatment options to address the specific needs of each child and support natural foot development.

Can metatarsus adductus affect my child's walking or cause long-term problems?

Metatarsus adductus can affect the child's gait and foot alignment, especially in more severe cases. However, with appropriate management and intervention, the majority of children will gradually improve and achieve normal foot alignment and function. Blueprint Podiatry can guide you in monitoring your child's walking pattern and foot development, addressing any concerns that may arise, and ensuring optimal foot health and function as they grow.

It is important to consult with a podiatrist at Blueprint Podiatry for an accurate diagnosis and individualised management plan for metatarsus adductus. They can provide guidance, reassurance, and appropriate interventions to support healthy foot development and address any potential issues associated with the condition.

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